Make An Impact
Small things like an email to your guidance counselor, a quick social media post, or a direct message to an activist or organization that you love can make the biggest impact.
We hope that greater awareness surrounding The Tell Someone Project will help more silent survivors find this resource, tell someone in their life about what they've been through, and seek the support that they need and deserve.
Email Templates
Just plug in your name and the name of your recipient (or use a generic nameless message) and send!
The template on the left is meant to be sent to organizations such as schools, companies, non-profits, and the like. It explains what the conversation packet is and asks them to help spread awareness about the resource.
The template on the right is meant to be sent to individuals and can be used either by groups/organizations or by other individuals. It explains what the conversation packet is, aiming to let people know that it is an option that could help them if they want to share their experience with people in their life. This is recommended for email blasts or mass emails sent to a mailing list or group of contacts.
The email templates are stored in a Google Doc, which you can access through the buttons below.
Please click the button on the left to copy the template for sending to organizations or the button on the right to copy the template for sending to individuals.
Paste the text into your preferred email service, then plug in the appropriate names (or delete the name-specific portion).
Add a subject line, then send it to your recipient(s).
Social Media Posters
These pre-made graphics are intended to raise awareness about the conversation packet and share the resource with people through social media.
All of the posters are stored and can be downloaded through Google Drive.
Please click the button on the left to access the Facebook Poster and the button on the right the Instagram Poster, and the right-most button to download the story template.
Once downloaded, post the image on social media.
Feel free to post either the cover on its own or the whole set (3 images).
Direct Message Templates
Just plug in your name and the name of your recipient (or use a generic nameless message) and send!
The template on the left is meant to be sent to influential people or groups. It very briefly explains what conversation packet is and asks them to help spread awareness about this resource.
The template on the right is meant to be sent to individuals. It very briefly explains what the conversation packet is and lets them know that this is an option that could help them if they want to share their experience with people in their life. This is recommended for people whom you specifically think would benefit from this resource.
The direct message templates are stored in a Google Doc, which you can access through the buttons bellow.
Please click the button on the left to copy the message asking people to spread awareness or the button on the right to copy the message letting the recipient know that this resource is available if they want or need it.
Paste the text into your preferred messaging platform, then plug in the appropriate names (or delete the name-specific portion), and send.